The Link Money API exposes numerous endpoints for developers to interact with our data in a variety of ways. Broadly speaking, these endpoints can be divided into a couple of categories.


Plaid Endpoints

MX Endpoints

Yodlee Endpoints

Developer Configuration

Endpoints are broadly divided into sections described by the index. Each collection of endpoints offers access to a different set of functions. Most developers will only require a small portion of these endpoints to fully integrate with Link Money.

URL construction

Depending on which endpoint collection, you may only need to access certain endpoint collections and not others. Endpoint construction is essentially:

  1. The Base URL - for example, [<>](<>)
  2. The endpoint collection's name - plaid, yodlee, mx, cdp, etc. See each endpoint collection for the collection's name.
  3. The version - each endpoint collection has separate versioning rather than a holistic version control for the entire api - for example, v1.
  4. The endpoint, as specified in each endpoint's documentation.

Some examples include:


Endpoint Collections