Link Money’s Instant Account Verification (IAV) is a safe, secure, and fast way to instantly connect verified accounts in real time with reduced risk. Developers using IAV gain access to verified accounts which can be used to facilitate ACH transfers.


Verification Flows


IAV Endpoints


IAV Provider List

What is Instant Account Verification?

At the core of financial technology lies the ability to move money. Most modern fintech applications move money in some capacity - whether transferring to a savings account, creating a piggy bank, or funding an investment account, money movement makes fintechs run. Instant Account Verification, or IAV, offers developers a fast and secure method for retrieving the data required to initiate transfers on the user’s behalf.

In Link Money, IAV lives in two technologies:

  1. The LinkMoney Web Gateway offers “flows” that allow the user to authenticate with their account and retrieve its verification details.
  2. The Link Money API offers endpoints for developers to retrieve account verification details for their users.

Who is this Documentation for?

This documentation is for developers who want to set up and use IAV on their own application to get verification details which they can pass to applications and APIs that facilitate money transfers. If you are a developer who only needs account and transaction data without full account numbers, refer to the Quickstart Guide for setting up Link Money with aggregation.


Want to look at how IAV works for the user, or want to figure out which flow works best for you?

Looking to Get Started by Building an IAV implementation?

Need to Integrate with a particular transfer API?

Looking for details on implementing LinkMoney API IAV Endpoints?

Need to see if Link Money IAV will work with a particular financial institution?